ASCENSIONS RECKONING, Book 03: An Extraordinary Tale


Ascensions Reckoning, a prequel to Melissa Lynn Herold’s The Mourning’s Dawn, was part of the book tour. I received this book as a gift from the author herself. I joined this book tour through the Magico Libro Casa Tours (MLC TOURS) platform.


The Iyarri Chronicles series continues with Mourning’s Dawn, a gripping sequel that digs deeper into the world of Iyarri, opening the way for excellent character development and a suspenseful, adventurous, and imaginative tale. We rejoin Aurelia as she continues to explore her identity.



Aurelia is running out of time to join Lucien, Aamon, and the others in the far northern highlands, where the long-lost Rior refuge is concealed as fall turns to freezing winter. An ethereal beast and deadly storms block the path, but so does the shard of memory embedded in Aurelia’s heart.

Reliving her mother’s murder, she now sees herself withering in front of her eyes, unable to sleep or concentrate.

When she arrives in the remote valley, she discovers that the truth about why the Rior has remained hidden for millennia is far worse than she could have imagined. Aurelia must utilize her forbidden blood and the abilities that come with it to save people she cares about, right ancient wrongs, and heal the wound that has afflicted the Iyarri civilization since the Night of Bloody Feathers.


Things that caught my attention enough to make me want to read the book…

  • The magnificent cover.
  • An enchanting blurb.
  • A fantasy book.
  • Strong female lead.

The final book in the series, The Iyarri Chronicles, written by Melissa Lynn Herold, is a beautiful sequel that digs further into the realm of Lyarri, opening the way for incredible character development and a suspenseful, adventurous, and imaginative tale.

It’s a well-written narrative with clear narration, an enticing writing style, and a new universe filled with fascinating creatures.


“Ascensions Reckoning” is a literary masterpiece that smoothly blends fantasy, adventure, and contemplation, enthralling readers from the first page. Herold’s deft narrative and vivid imagination create an enthralling world that invites readers to delve into its depths and complexity.

The story is set in a world where magic and mystery intersect, and it chronicles the path of its protagonist, a young mage named Elara, as she navigates a world on the verge of destruction. Elara’s character is multidimensional and approachable, making her challenges and victories personal to readers.

Her development throughout the story is inspiring and gratifying to watch as she transforms from a nervous novice to a formidable force to be reckoned with.

The world-building in “Ascensions Reckoning” is outstanding. Herold painstakingly creates a world overflowing with complexities, from the magnificent vistas to the political machinations that decide its fate.

Her detailed descriptions of each scenario and place immerse readers in a complex tapestry of sights, sounds, and emotions. Every locale feels tangible and alive, whether it’s the busy streets of the capital city or the unfathomable depths of the forbidden forest.

Herold’s brilliant treatment of issues deepening into the human experience distinguishes this story. Friendship, sacrifice, identity, and the unending conflict between light and darkness are expertly interwoven, giving the story a powerful resonance that resonates long after the final page.

The author’s provocative insights into the complexity of power, morality, and the decisions that create destinies allow readers to reflect on the circumstances of their own lives.

The pacing of “Ascensions Reckoning” is meticulously organized, creating a beautiful balance between heart-pounding action sequences and quieter introspective periods. Herold’s writing style is entertaining and fluid, allowing readers to become lost in the pages and lose track of time.

“Ascensions Reckoning” is a refreshing and original addition to a genre generally packed with tropes and clichés. Melissa Lynn Herold’s work demonstrates her talent as a storyteller and her ability to build a narrative that has a profound emotional resonance with its audience.

This work is a must-read for fantasy and adventure enthusiasts and anyone who enjoys a well-crafted story that delves into the depths of the human soul.

Finally, “Ascensions Reckoning” is a literary accomplishment that combines enthralling world-building, realistic characters, and thought-provoking ideas into a memorable reading experience.

Melissa Lynn Herold has developed a world that will leave readers with a lasting impression, making this book an excellent addition to any bookcase.


Shahane! Finally, I finished the book on a high note; without a doubt, this is the finest series I’ve read in recent memory. Despite everything we were going through, this novel gave me pleasure, joy, excitement, and adventure.

From the outset, I was startled and delighted by Aurelia’s incident, which took me to locations I would not have visited otherwise. Again, congratulations and gratitude to the author for creating a masterpiece.

This is the greatest and my favorite book in the series because it has that aura that each chapter has. It comes off with so much tension and excitement that it makes me want more and more.

The author’s narration is smooth, but simultaneously, it’s like a splash!! You can only honestly tell what’ll happen next once it happens.

The tale moved with high twists, but it seemed manageable. It was right and precisely what I would expect in a fantastic fantasy novel. The character building is top-notch, especially with Aurelia, who is the story’s heart.

The character development was on point throughout the book, and like the other two books, this one didn’t disappoint me. By the climax of this series, I was attached to the characters and ended up with a book hangover. It was my first ever book hangover, and a subtle one at that.


The Iyarri Chronicles come to a thrilling climax in Ascensions Reckoning. Melissa Lynn Herold has created a vibrant, stunning picture of gloriously imperfect, fully fleshed-out animals and the environments they inhabit over three volumes.

This series is one of my favorites; the novels are well-written, fast-paced, and leave you wanting more. Melissa Lynn Herold has created a work of art that is divine.

This was a one-day read for me. Like the rest of the series, it’s fast-paced and intriguing, and I was looking forward to seeing how the characters’ story arcs were resolved. The finale was gratifying, and it was interesting to watch how Aurelia matured. All three works are highly recommended.

My favorite aspect of reading is the sensation of being immersed in a mystical realm. Inside and out, it feels so genuine! Amazing!

Undoubtedly, fantasy book fans and everyone who likes reading adventure stories. You must read the preceding novels before moving on to this one.

I suggest this work; this is one of the greatest possible endings for the series in the Ascensions book.



Melissa’s ETSY shop LINK for you. Happy Reading!



Mourning’s Dawn REVIEW: LINK

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ascensions reckoning
4.8/5 - (6 votes)

MERHABA! I'm Maham Afzal, an avid reader, reviewer, and content creator. Who's adventurous and is seeking the purpose of her life.

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