Discover Your Best Self: Be Slim Effectively at Home

Be Slim


Discover Your Best Self: Be Slim Effectively at Home: Being slim effectively means being fit. Isn’t that what we hear every other day? That is what overweight girls do every day.

I’m sure they tired you out with it, and you can trust me when I say I understand because I’ve been there. This article is for you if you’ve tried every diet to make you look good. This article is the key to looking good as well as feeling good.

Before we proceed, have a look at the fat-to-calorie relationship. One pound of fat provides 3500 calories. Weight loss at home: You’ll lose some pounds weekly by shedding 500–1000 calories daily through a weight loss diet and exercise modifications.

If you have yet to lose weight despite following various diet plans, here are some suggestions to help you get there. I’ll discuss my thoughts about each potential lead and how it made me feel.


There is a positive side to getting up early. Time management is crucial to staying in control, and this helps you finish your to-do list promptly. Getting up early allows you to fit in a workout every day.

It’s optional to do HIIT every time. You can do yoga, meditation, or anything else for 20–40 minutes.

My Take

I’ve been an early riser since my childhood. However, due to my academic load and housework, I could not get up early in the morning and resume my life last year; this led to an unhealthy lifestyle, which resulted in weight gain. Since the beginning of 2022, I’ve been getting myself back to life, and the first thing I corrected was my sleeping routine. I do not kid you when I say that early rising gives you a great opportunity ahead, which many people miss due to their inappropriate sleeping routine. I have experienced it.

Waking up early, around 6 a.m., gives me plenty of time for morning exercise or yoga. My agenda for “Be Slim” in the morning comprises two things in the first week. Firstly, do light exercises (mostly stretching) after prayers. Secondly, have lukewarm water on an empty stomach. These two simple things helped me relax and re-energize. Although I didn’t lose much weight after a week, it did help me get an excellent start to my day, and I did lose around 3 pounds.

Be Slim


When you first wake up, a glass of lukewarm water is a great way to get your day started. You might feel full with fewer calories by drinking water before each meal.

My Take

A glass of lukewarm water helped me with my portion control. I only decided to have this one for the week of my journey. But, when this tip helped me control my portion, I had this on my entire schedule; this didn’t help me lose weight overnight. This tip or step will help you with your appetite, allowing you to lose weight gradually. For instance, that is how this one worked for me.


People have this myth embedded in their minds that skipping breakfast helps you lose weight. That is absurd. According to research, people who skip breakfast tend to have a higher BMI. Having a high-protein breakfast is critical to your weight-loss journey.

For example, having whole-wheat bread, scrambled eggs with spinach, Greek yogurt with berries, low-fat milk, etc. This breakfast plan will help you feel full longer than the low-protein one. Having your breakfast within an hour after waking up is a suitable time.

My Take

This one was the most difficult for me. At first, I alternated between bran bread, scrambled eggs, and Greek yogurt without berries, but I only did it a few times a week. I would hardly follow the routine because I needed to be more active about restocking it, as it wasn’t budget-friendly.

So, as an alternative, I opted for bran bread with butter because I can only force myself to have bread with butter. But it did help me have a positive result in my weight loss journey. If you can manage to stick to the protein-filled breakfast, then yes, you will see an apparent change in your body.

Be Slim


The best time to have dinner is around 8 p.m. You should have eaten something after you finished your dinner.

My Take

Well, I’m one of those who have breakfast before 8 p.m. So, I push myself to go to sleep around 11 p.m. However, on rare days when I stay awake past midnight, I sometimes feel the need for midnight snacks. So for those days, I have dry fruits, as they are the best midnight snack.


Get some milk, soda water with citrus, or water to quench your thirst. Try drinking a glass of healthy, low-calorie vegetable juice if you’re feeling hungry between meals. The more sugary drinks you consume, the more calories you’ll consume. So, cutting back on sugar will prevent, or at least slow, the accumulation of extra pounds.

My Take

Well, as I don’t have a sweet tooth, the sugar in my tea is the only precious thing on my feeding list. That’s the first thing I crossed off my list. Whenever I need sugar, I use honey instead of refined sugar. As love tends to be more beneficial for me.

As for losing weight, it didn’t contribute much, as I am not used to having fizzy drinks regularly. But if you are used to having sweet drinks, then cutting them from your diet will bring about a drastic change in terms of losing weight.


A balanced diet has an accurate proportion of fat, carbs, and protein. The perfect ratio helps you lose weight quickly.

My Take

Yes, I noticed a change in my way of life when I balanced my diet to have the right amount of fat, carbs, and protein for my body. I feel more energetic and lively. When my body starts getting the nutrients it needs, it kick-starts my metabolism, which helps me have a healthy body.


Whole grains are foods like the stuffing in bread and pasta, brown rice, bran flakes, etc. They give your body the fiber it needs, which helps you lose weight quickly.

My Take

Adding grains to my diet did help me shed pounds effectively. But let me tell you that too much fiber in my diet resulted in constipation. So try to have a balanced nutrient diet and drink lots of water.

Be Slim


Stress management is another simple method that can help you lose weight. Whether you select the correct eateries or equip your kitchen with various healthy options, it’s all up to you. Therefore, avoiding all-you-can-eat restaurants is an excellent method to resist temptation. However, healthy food at home leads to a reduced intake of unhealthy options.


Having control over my surroundings helped me more than anything. I swear, having lean siblings who don’t put on weight easily, I’m free to eat anything. So having snacks—chocolate, crisps, and biscuits, for instance—wasn’t a big deal. It is hard for me to control myself and not munch on them. If you can quickly get rid of them, unlike me, you will achieve your goal quite easily.


You have control over your food intake instead of having long intervals during your meals. Tend to have frequent meals and snacks (every 3–4 hours) to keep your simple sugar levels steady and to avoid overindulging.

My Take

A controlled diet will be easy if you balance nutrients and manage your calories. I set a goal of having a maximum of 1500 calories per day. As a result, with the help of exercising, walking, and house chores, I quickly lost weight.


Having a low-fat supermolecule with each meal and snack will keep you feeling full longer. Therefore, you are satiating less presumptively. Strive for low-fat foodstuffs, such as haywire, spread eggs, beans, or lean meats.

My Take

I added Greek yogurt and beans as my supermolecule elements. I made sure to have one of these as my evening snack. They helped me skip munching on unhealthy snacks between meals.


Use seasoning or hummus as a dip.

  • Sandwiches with mustard instead of mayo.
  • Eat plain, cooked sweet potatoes instead of loaded white potatoes.
  • If you like your coffee black, try it without cream.

These lighter options offer strength while containing fewer weight gainers.

My Take

I eliminated mayo, chocolate, and cheese from my life. The limited use of oil, spices, and rice, for instance, helped me a lot to achieve my goal. In short, when I avoided having greasy food items on my menu, I witnessed a practical decline in my inches.


I tried each of the steps mentioned and witnessed a gradual change in my body weight. I am one of those people who loses weight in terms of inches rather than kilograms. After following these steps irregularly, I lost 8 inches in 10 weeks.

For me, waking up early, diet control, a controlled environment, drinking water before a meal, calculating calories, and using supermolecules helped me reach my goal.

To reach your goal, I suggest experiencing these steps first, seeing what works for you the best, and setting your plan accordingly.

Remember One Thing:

One can never be slim overnight; you achieve your goals gradually. Don’t stress yourself out. I firmly believe in you. These key points will help you shred off your fat, which results in losing weight quickly. Remember that, in every weight loss journey, it takes 4-6 weeks for your family and friends to notice your efforts. So always hope. You’ll achieve your goals soon. To motivate yourself, select a dress, or anything, that you will love to see on yourself, and viola! You are all set.

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MERHABA! I'm Maham Afzal, an avid reader, reviewer, and content creator. Who's adventurous and is seeking the purpose of her life.

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