Books Recommendation: The Ultimate Treasure of Middle-Grade Books Of All Time

Middle grade books

I am an avid reader of middle-grade fiction. I’m always on the lookout for a good middle-grade book with anything I think I’d like to add to my collection, and I also like middle-grade literature like anything else. So, let me tell you a little bit about how I chose this list, just so you know that when someone asks me for a book recommendation, I don’t just provide a list of my top favorites because our reading preferences may differ.
For instance, if someone approaches me and requests a book recommendation, my initial response would be, “Sure, what’s the book you love?” If I recommend a fantasy novel because I enjoy it and they despise it, my recommendation will not assist them.


Omer Iplikci is a handsome and successful desirable bachelor that every woman dreams of snagging. When Omer’s interfering aunt discovers that she will lose her estate if Omer does not marry within six months, she begins plotting. The somber shoe designer, on the other hand, is uninterested in his aunt’s upper crust, flashy socialites. To get away from one of these dates, Omer pretended to be a couple with Defne, a waitress. This sudden act saved him from his date, but, turned their lives upside down, without prior notice.

When Omer’s aunt offers to employ her to steal Omer’s heart. Defne is initially shocked, but viewing the offer as a solution to her personal issue, she grudgingly agrees. But when Defne falls in love with Omer, she finds herself torn between her feelings for him and a 200,000-lira secret…


Bekhudi (selflessness) chronicles Shanzay’s struggle through a patriarchal political system, the only thing she wants in her life is freedom. Working off in London, less she knows a mere call will turn her life upside down.