HEAVENS SILHOUETTE – BOOK 01- A Captivating Journey into the REALM


HEAVENS SILHOUETTE, a book by Melissa Lynn Herold, is the first trilogy in the Iyarri Chronicles. In exchange for participating in the Magico Libro Casa Tour-organized book tour, I received the entire trilogy as a gift from the author.

This post contains my review along with a detailed analysis of this book.

This review expresses my opinion on this book; it may differ from yours. I do not want to use my words to hurt the author or readers.


Aurelia hides from people after years of cruel taunts and heartbreak. She paints and teaches. Aurelia searches for the artist after a new piece arrives depicting an angelic figure with the physical features she has always considered monstrous.

Not alone. Others want artists and truth silenced. Aurelia is attacked by wing-wielding warriors. Bloodied, the Iyarri pursue her. Aurelia is drawn into a millennia-old struggle as she accepts her connection. If she’s not careful, she’ll lose her heart, body, and Iyarri in heavens silhouette.


Things that caught my attention as I read the book Heavens Silhouette…

  • The magnificent cover.
  • An enchanting blurb.

Melissa Lynn Herald’s new fantasy series, Heavens Silhouette, is out now. The book was fantastic, and it portrayed everything accurately. The plot, in particular, is a total game-changer, like the chess queen.


Melissa Lynn Herold’s novel “Heavens Silhouette” deftly combines the supernatural with the every day, sending readers on a fascinating journey that examines the intersections of life, love, and destiny.

Surprisingly, this novel catches the heart and imagination with its masterfully woven tale, relatable characters, and a touch of humor.

The plot revolves around Isabelle, a young artist struggling with the intricacies of modern life and her sense of purpose. Her life turns unexpectedly upside down when she discovers an old amulet that appears to offer her glimpses into another realm—a world of ethereal beauty known as the “Heavens Silhouette.”

The evocative descriptions of this mythical planet are a feature of the story, transporting readers to a place where imagination has no limitations.

Melissa Lynn Herold’s work is beautiful and vivid, instilling a sense of wonder in even the most mundane situations. The story’s tempo keeps the reader interested by shifting between Isabelle’s real-life troubles and her beautiful encounters within the Heavens Silhouette.

The emotional depth of the characters, particularly Isabelle and others she meets in both worlds, provides a dimension of relatability to the work, grounding it despite its fanciful features.

The investigation of subjects, such as the power of art, the fascination with the unknown, and the interplay between fact and imagination, provides enough fodder for thought.

Herold ponders the nature of reality and how our dreams and ambitions impact our existence. The work also touches on fate and the decisions that shape our lives, asking readers to reflect on their travels.

A minor criticism is the pacing, which occasionally switches between the natural world and the Heaven Silhouette, making the story appear disconnected. Furthermore, while many plot threads are purposely left open-ended, encouraging interpretation, some readers may want a more solid closure.

Finally, “Heavens Silhouette” is an enthralling read that encourages readers to accept the extraordinary within the everyday. Melissa Lynn Herold’s lyrical prose and inventive storytelling combine to create a work that will appeal to readers who enjoy the enchantment that may be discovered in daily moments.

Whether you like fantasy, current literature, or stories that blur the borders between truth and fiction, this book is a lovely escape into a world where the bounds of possibility are pushed to their breaking point.


This place was fascinating—so many surprises, revelations, and betrayals. Most kept me guessing. I was instantly drawn into the author’s world.


I liked how the author seamlessly incorporated human and Iyyari cultures. Due to the novelty of the Iyyari language, there were many unfamiliar and challenging terms, but a glossary was included for your convenience.

The author did an excellent job of helping readers understand the Iyyari world by providing straightforward descriptions of the culture and laws of the Iyyari people. The book got off to a fantastic start, was full of action, and kept moving at a clip that kept me turning pages.


As much as I enjoyed other characters, the way Aurelia’s personality was developed was phenomenal. Because of her heightened insecurities and unsettling self-doubt, Aurelia is frequently portrayed as a fragile protagonist. In general, I have a hard time connecting with characters like her.

Still, I found myself caring about her despite all the hardships she has to endure and the disturbing truths she has to face, beginning with the fact that she has been thrust into two worlds, both of which refuse to accept her for who she is and consider her an abomination.

I was surprised by how much I cared about her by the conclusion.

I enjoyed the story’s quick pace and how the characters grew and changed, especially Aurelia. There’s just the right amount of tension, thanks to the balance of the story’s dark and light elements.


I was hooked on the story from the first chapter because of how it was told. The pacing was excellent and synchronized with the unfolding events, which were full of unexpected turns that kept me reading to the end. There was no shocking final twist, just an open door to several potential outcomes.


In conclusion to this review, love, acceptance, betrayal, and the search for a place to call home are at the heart of Heavens Silhouette.

Heavens Silhouette is the book for you if you enjoy the Found Family/Fallen Angel fantasy trope!


Heavens Silhouette jumps right into the action with a powerful opening. Aurelia had a difficult upbringing because of the bullying she endured due to the appearance of her three toes on each foot.

She feels an immediate connection to the painting of the winged creature she sees in the gallery and is curious to learn more about it. But she had no idea a race of evil, angel-like beings existed.

I enjoyed how the story progressed and how Aurelia and Lucian interacted with one another. Aurelia was the clumsy, cry-in-the-corner type, whereas Lucian was the heroic type. Knowing that some creatures are trying to kill us, we might act similarly in real life.

However, since this is a fantasy novel, I hoped that Aurelia would develop into a badass protagonist. As a fantasy reader, I expected a unique method of killing these creatures, but they’re just like regular people, so gunfire does the trick.

Aurelia and Lucian’s flight from justice occupies most of the narrative; the book’s setting shifts when Aurelia finally meets her father, An Iyarri. There was a primary antagonist, but I figured him out within the first few chapters. I still enjoyed the story.

Overall, this is a fantastic read for fans of fast-paced fantasy.


Iyarri Chronicles was the first series I’d ever read with angels or angelic characters, and it was a welcome change of pace.

The beginning of the book is exhilarating, with Lucien and Aurelia attempting to escape from their pursuers among the Iyarri. Since there was no way they could have survived what they went through unscathed, the fact that they were both injured multiple times was believable.

My ship went down just as I was about to witness the moment they were indeed together.

The book primarily aims to introduce readers to the Iyarri and their culture. That’s standard for the first book in a series, so I can’t hold it against the book. The only thing keeping this from being a perfect 5 is the slowdown. In the next installment, I hope to see more action.

Realizing what happens in the court-like meeting killed me, even though I wished there had been more fighting toward the end of the book. That was a complete surprise, and now I can’t wait to see what happens to Aamon and Irel in the next installment.

A warning that later on, Aurelia has magic used on her in a grotesque way that is unsettling is in order, as there is a part of extreme humiliation towards her. Give yourself some hope that Aurelia will be able to deal with that chick in the future.

Since I’ve read quite a few cliffhangers by this point, I appreciated the soft conclusion more than the lack thereof. The next book will address some lingering questions and concerns. In particular, information about Aurelia and Lucien.



If you want to look at HEAVENS SILHOUETTE by Melissa Lynn Herold, here’s the author’s Etsy LINK. Happy Reading!




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MERHABA! I'm Maham Afzal, an avid reader, reviewer, and content creator. Who's adventurous and is seeking the purpose of her life.

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