Mournings Dawn, Book 02- A Profound Journey of Healing and Discovery


Mournings Dawn – Melissa Lynn Herold is a prequel to Heaven’s Silhouette. I received this book as a gift from the author in exchange for participating in the book tour. I joined this book tour through the Magico Libro Casa Tours (MLC TOURS) platform.

This post contains my Instagram post, as well as my review of this book.

This post includes both my Instagram post and my review of this book.

This content was free of copyright violations. This review expresses my opinion on this book; it may differ from yours. I do not want to use my words to hurt the author or readers.


Melissa Lynn Herold’s ETSY shop, Night Blooming, is where you may get your copy. You will want to see Melissa’s shop, which offers oils inspired by the characters from the Chronicles.


Aurelia had spent six months cloistered inside the Iyarri fortress of Idura as a living, breathing reminder of her father’s faults; hated, mocked, and ridiculed. She seeks sanctuary in her painting, just as in the human world.

Still, when a heinous act of cruelty shatters the final piece of her former existence, something inside Aurelia snaps, revealing a deadly new power in a flash of golden light.

Her unique abilities threaten to drive her insane if she isn’t careful, but she may never have the chance to discover more since someone knows who she is and wants her dead.

An action-packed adventure with twists and turns set in a complex and well-developed setting. Ms. Herold entices you in and lulls you into a false feeling of security, only to pull the rug out from under you repeatedly, resulting in a delightful journey that never lets you relax.

The second half of Aurelia’s narrative is full of emotional highs and lows that you won’t want to miss.


Things that caught my attention as I read the book…

  • The magnificent cover.
  • An enchanting blurb.

Mournings dawn, the second book in the series is a beautiful sequel that digs further into the realm of Lyarri, opening the way for incredible character development and a suspenseful, adventurous, and imaginative tale. It’s a well-written narrative with clear narration, an enticing writing style, and a new universe filled with fascinating creatures.

Melissa Lynn Herold continues to fascinate with the character of Aurelia in her second installment, “Mournings Dawn (The Iyaari Chronicles Book 2),” which follows Heaven’s Silhouette.


The Iyarri Chronicles series continues with Mournings Dawn, a gripping sequel that digs deeper into the world of Iyarri, opening the way for incredible character development and a suspenseful, adventurous, and imaginative tale. We rejoin Aurelia as she continues to explore her identity.

“Mournings Dawn” is a literary masterpiece that explores the complicated realms of grief, self-discovery, and the transformative power of embracing our emotions.

Herold weaves a novel that captures the core of the human experience in its rawest form, with gorgeous style, dramatic character development, and a plot that resonates deeply.

The tale recounts the protagonist’s journey as she deals with the unexpected loss of a loved one. Herold’s depiction of mourning is genuinely authentic, drawing readers into the depths of pain and vulnerability of such a terrible loss.

The protagonist’s emotional agony is palpable, evoking the complexity that develops when confronted with the void left behind by a departed spirit.

What distinguishes “Mourning’s Dawn” is Herold’s ability to weave the threads of healing and personal progress against the backdrop of heartbreak.

Readers are given a glimpse into the complicated process of self-discovery that grows from the ashes of despair as the protagonist navigates the various phases of sorrow.

The supporting characters play essential roles in this trip, each bringing a unique perspective and purpose to the protagonist’s development.

Herold’s writing is beautiful and descriptive, immersing readers in internal and external sensory nuances. The realistic descriptions of feelings, surroundings, and even banal aspects of life give the tale an intimate dimension, building a connection between the readers and the characters.

In addition, “Mournings Dawn” delves into universal themes like resilience, hope, and the capacity for rebirth within every human heart.

The work encourages readers to think about their losses, promoting a deeper investigation of emotions that are sometimes hidden or disregarded.

Herold’s work reminds us that while grieving is an unpleasant and unavoidable part of life, it can also catalyze significant growth and transformation.

Finally, “Mournings Dawn” is a masterwork that exquisitely portrays the core of the human experience. Melissa Lynn Herold’s deft narrative and sympathetic examination of sorrow and recovery make this novel a must-read for everyone wanting to comprehend the complex fabric of emotions that shapes our lives.

Readers will find peace, resonance, and a fresh appreciation for the beauty that can emerge from even the darkest circumstances within its pages.


The second book of the Iyaari Chronicles is Mournings Dawn. Aurelia has spent the past six months living in the Iyarri stronghold of Idura.

Aurelia moves from struggling to figure out where she belongs in the laid-back world to discovering a tight group of allies and friends who supply her with the love and support she requires. In this one, she is a more potent combatant, both physically and psychologically.

The building of the mourning morning expands on the silhouette of heaven. There are several powerful characters, each with their own distinct personality, strengths, and quirks.


The Iyarri Chronicles occur in an innovative and highly immersive setting that avoids typical fantasy clichés. Mourning Dawn builds on Heaven’s Silhouette, and the characters have grown far more three-dimensional now that Melissa has more time to devote to them rather than world-building.

There are several strong female protagonists, many of whom are female, each with a distinct personality, strengths, and weaknesses. It’s impossible to write a review without giving anything away about the plot, so I can say that you should try this one.

Whether or not fantasy is your thing, you will appreciate every minute spent with these vibrant individuals in this intriguing universe if you have any imagination.


It’s a unique fantasy setting. Aurelia still has tremors from her prior experiences. These razor-sharp knives continue to slash her past worries and threaten to pull her body apart again.

She has the same three-toed feet as her father, the same fey-lithe physique, and even the same acute senses. Her ginger hair was unimpressive, but she now prepared for a new battle with enormous copper wings on her back and Iyarri traits in her blood.

I liked the story’s pace and character development, particularly how Aurelia’s character matured and progressed. The dark and light aspects are balanced while maintaining an ideal tension, providing the reader with a satisfying experience.


In conclusion to this review, I adore the author’s writing style; she has a unique ability to catch you with her words and keep you riveted to the pages.

Since this is a sequel, I’ll try not to provide any spoilers, but there are a lot of surprises and narrative twists that had me gasping! I felt a stronger connection to Aurelia’s character in this sequel; her growth was excellent.


This book is much better than the first book in the series. The plot is action-packed, so you’ll want to keep reading. I couldn’t foresee what would happen next, which I notice in many fiction series I read these days.

This one included everything. There’s more betrayal, sorrow, a sensual scene, uplifting moments, acceptance, and Aurelia being so honestly human that few of her acts feel out of character.

Aurelia moves from figuring out where she belongs in the Laidrom universe to realizing she doesn’t have to. Instead, she forms a close circle of friends and allies who offer her the love and support she requires.

While she is even more of a warrior in this one, she can handle all that is thrown at her, physically and mentally, while feeling overwhelmed at times.

I enjoyed this one and regret that I didn’t read it sooner. But that was just because life got in the way. If you’re interested in new-adult fantasy, I recommend this delightful read.



If you want to have a look at MOURNINGS DAWN by Melissa Lynn Herold, here’s the author’s ETSY LINK for you. Happy Reading!

heavens silhouette review

If you have enjoyed reading it, read the review of the final book here.

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MERHABA! I'm Maham Afzal, an avid reader, reviewer, and content creator. Who's adventurous and is seeking the purpose of her life.

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