“True Beauty Webtoon: Revealing Timeless Elegance with Powerful Insights”


True Beauty by Yaongyi is a captivating webtoon that has taken the world by storm. This Korean comic, which has also been adapted into a popular drama, has become the talk of the town among webtoon and K-drama enthusiasts.

Authored by the talented Yaongyi, True Beauty has quickly gained a devoted following and is a must-read for fans of the genre. Since its initial release on the English Webtoons platform in August 2018, this captivating series has garnered quite a following.

Boasting an impressive 200+ episodes and a staggering five million devoted followers, it is no wonder this work has captured the hearts and minds of readers worldwide.

In this captivating debut webtoon comic, the author takes readers on an exciting journey into digital storytelling. With a fresh and innovative approach, the comic introduces us to a vibrant cast and a dynamic narrative that keeps us hooked from start to finish. 

Upon the recommendation of a dear friend, I embarked on a journey to this captivating world. This book’s sheer fascination had me from the beginning, and having completed the entire series, I found myself compelled to delve into the pages of this comic. 

This captivating review delves into the world of the ongoing comic series, True Beauty. This comic has captured readers ‘ hearts globally with the story’s intriguing tale and compelling characters. True Beauty takes us on a journey through the life of our protagonist, exploring the complexities of beauty and self-acceptance.

The story follows the transformation of our main character, who discovers the power of makeup and its ability to enhance her appearance. As she navigates the challenges of high school, she must grapple with the pressures of societal standards and desires.

In this thought-provoking piece, the author presents their solemn views with a sense of introspection and contemplation. They delve into various topics through their unique perspective, inviting readers to reflect on their beliefs and opinions.

With a touch of sincerity, In this thought-provoking book, the author presents a unique perspective that may challenge your beliefs. With a refreshing approach, the narrative explores various viewpoints that differ from the reader’s, encouraging a deeper understanding of diverse opinions.

This book is sure to ignite introverts. In this captivating tale, the protagonist reveals remarkable resilience as they declare, “I harbor no illness.” With an unwavering spirit, they navigate the challenges that life throws their way, refusing to let any affliction define if you have had the pleasure of reading this comic, I implore you to share your thoughts and reflections.

The views are solemn mine. They may differ from yours. I harbor no illness. Do share your thoughts regarding the comic if you’ve read it.


The protagonist of the Korean webtoon comic True Beauty is Jugyeong Lim.

Jugyeong, a girl formerly ridiculed for not being a pretty enough woman, has cultivated the “ideal appearance.” People now recognize her wherever she goes, and she has a well-known Instagram account that even K-pop artists know.

She is just an average-looking girl who began wearing cosmetics at 13. Except for Suho and Seojun, no one remembers her as a popular girl who endured bullying from the “beautiful” girls and wished she had been born attractive.

Jugyeong met Suho Lee and Seojun Han during her undergrad program, who turned her pleasant and everyday life upside down.


True Beauty is a gripping and suspenseful novel that intends to keep readers on the edge of their seats with its intricate plot.
Numerous intriguing elements immediately caught my attention as I turned the pages of this captivating book:

  • The author skillfully crafted a narrative that effortlessly transported me into a world of wonder and excitement.
  • I was utterly engrossed from the first chapter, eagerly turning each page to uncover the secrets.
  • The vivid descriptions and imagery painted a vivid picture, allowing me to imagine the characters vividly.
  • The stunning cover of this book immediately catches the eye and draws the reader in. 
  • Its intricate design and vibrant colors are an actual work of art, hinting at beauty and wonder.

This webtoon portrays a youthful love story and highlights how mental illness may influence someone. Regardless of its current situation, True Beauty may provide us with life lessons and realizations that can shift our view of what it means to be beautiful.



Jugyeong is a lively but self-conscious young woman living with attractive family members. She enjoys reading comic books and has a crush on Suho.

After Suho began tutoring her, the two became friends, and their bond became stronger, especially when Suho saw Jugyeong’s natural face. Seojun, who will eventually become one of Jugyeong’s greatest friends, is also introduced to her.


Suho may be regarded as a frigid person who enjoys isolating himself from others. He has difficulty communicating as a result of prior occurrences in his life. On the other hand, his female peers can’t help but be drawn to him because of his attractive appearance.

After accidentally bumping into Jugyeong without makeup, Suho establishes a bond with her. He also has a distant friendship with Seojun Han, whom he met when they were idol trainees.


Seojun is a confident individual. His struggles in various chapters to help his family with their financial obligations demonstrated that he did not come from a wealthy family. Seojun used to work with Suho as an idol trainee, but after a terrible occurrence, they became estranged.


I will begin my review by first highlighting the positive aspects I enjoyed.


Everyone has disliked their appearance at some point, which is entirely acceptable and generally associated with maturation. Seeing Jugyeong use cosmetics to combat this and live as a beautiful person allows us to live vicariously through her, making the tale incredibly appealing.

Who wouldn’t want to be friends with a gorgeous guy (or a female or non-binary person)? Whoever reads this comic would agree that we somehow relate to Jugyeong.


The artwork is stunning to the eye. The author does an outstanding job with the tempo, expressions, colors, and everything else! I was enamored with the art style from the first episode, mainly because art can make or break a comic.


The only thing I loved most about True Beauty was the relationships between the characters and their families, be they Jugyeoong, Suho, or Seojun. I enjoyed how the author kept the family bonding real. From Jugyeong’s possessive father to the overbearing mother, from the supportive sister to the hella annoying bother.

Seojun was a devilish boy, but when it came to family, he didn’t think twice about being the clown to support his family. This shows the upbringing and importance of the family.

Suho was the know-it-all, but having a sister like Selena, who was there to play cupid for her only brother, was wholesome. I rooted for this comic to have family scenes.

Now it’s time to highlight the issues that I came across in True Beauty.


This comic’s plot and theme were new because it concentrated on women’s confidence concerns. The tale flowed smoothly for the first few chapters, but as it progressed, it became tedious. This comic’s central premise was about a girl who overcame her insecurities by reinventing herself.

At first, it was an enjoyable read for me, but I lost interest as it moved forward. Instead of progressing, we went through the same theme multiple times.


True beauty needs character development. I felt the characters getting on my nerves as the story progressed. At first, Jugyeong establishes a strong, three-dimensional character. Her exchanges with her nemesis and first love interest, Suho (enemies-to-lovers! ), are humorous and endearing, as are those with Seojun.

I liked Suho and Seojun’s characters better than Jugyeong’s. They were strong-headed and knew what they wanted in their lives, unlike Jugyeong.


There was so much unnecessary plotting that only gave this comic density instead of worth, like in the web show Prince Charming. This whole sequence was cringe-worthy for me. And remember that horrible college guy who was self-centered?


Jugyeong, who knows what it’s like to be “ugly,” nonetheless assesses people first and foremost based on their appearance. She finds it unsettling when an unattractive character shows interest in her, but it’s completely OK when it’s someone pretty, like Suho or Seojun.

If appearances don’t matter, why are both Suho and Seojun’s love interests regarded as the hottest lads in the comic? I thought it was strange that Jugyeong is only interested in “top-tier” males (note the sarcasm), yet she was shown to be interested in other boys in an episode.


Jugyeong began as a powerful character, but she eventually devolved into a shallow, empty—even bland—shell. I know I initially gushed about my feelings, but as the comic progressed, Jugyeong became increasingly unlikable.

Jugyeong seldom utilized her head, such as when she recognized she got drunk quickly but continued to drink excessively to the point of needing to be rescued by her love interest, and she became judgmental and critical of others. It became difficult to connect with her when she became simply another part of a beauty-centric culture.


This is off-topic, but what happened to Sujin? She was suspected of having an eating issue, but it was never brought up again. What does implying that eating disorders aren’t a significant problem mean? Being lovely requires sacrifice, and being slim is the only way to be beautiful. Come on.


The reason behind the downfall of True Beauty is that the author decided to continue the story instead of giving it a clean ending like in the show. The continuation of the report resulted in the repetition of the story. It would have been better if Jugyeong had accepted her true self instead of hiding behind her delusional self.

This story was about overcoming our fears, but we never got there. Jugyeong was never the ugly one for me; she was just a girl who had acne. She didn’t need makeup; she needed skincare.


At first, I enjoyed the comic. Jugyeong enjoys horror comics and rock music, is self-conscious about her appearance, and is socially uncomfortable. Many readers can already identify with her since she’s relevant and realistic. How many of us have felt self-conscious about our appearance?

There are some positive aspects to it, and some negative aspects, which apply to everything in life, and this piece is just me outlining them in greater depth. The author is quite skilled, and I’m thrilled that True Beauty was allowed to become a K-drama.

I’m confident that she will continue to produce excellent work. I was not too fond of the True Beauty comic, and I hope this review didn’t upset anyone.

I liked this comic because Jugyeong doesn’t go from knowing anything about cosmetics to being a makeup artist. She had her uncomfortable makeup moments and trained over the break until she transferred to a new school and became the “beautiful” girl.

I realize I was being severe in my complaints, but I didn’t dislike the comic. I can see why so many people find it intriguing, but it wasn’t for me. This isn’t me attacking the author or dismissing True Beauty; it isn’t, and I am not. It wasn’t for me, but you’ll like it.


Genres: Coming-of-Age, Romantic, Comedy, School Life
Author: Yaongyi
Chapters: Currently ongoing.
Updates every Wednesday (started in 2018).

Webtoon Link: If you want to want to ENGLISH | KOREAN


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MERHABA! I'm Maham Afzal, an avid reader, reviewer, and content creator. Who's adventurous and is seeking the purpose of her life.

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